
We are a family that loves spending time together and geeking out over nerdy stuff. This blog is where we share the things that are bringing us closer together as a family.

We put together articles with tips for families who want to geek out together, and we post weekly recommendations for books, movies, TV shows, and video games to enjoy with your family.

Meet the Family


I grew up in the western United States and have been taming dragons, mastering the four elements, and flying spaceships since I was old enough for my first pair of Batman underwear. I received a B.A. in English, with a minor in psychology, from A Good School University, which is where Michela and I met, courted, and got hitched. After graduating from college, we moved east so that I could attend A Law School You’ve Probably Heard Of.


I grew up enthralled by books and terrified of the Dead Hand at the bottom of the well in Ocarina of Time. Because my Hogwarts letter got lost (probably by Errol), I attended A Good School University instead. While there, I acquired a B.A. in English with minors in editing and web design (and also picked up a husband). For a few years, I worked in online education, but now I work harder than ever as a full-time mom to our padawan, Geekling.


Geekling is not old enough to contribute to the blog just yet, which is a shame because he’s got a keen eye for quality literature. He demonstrates his geeky tendencies in his preferences for Star Wars stuffed animals, Batman Christmas stockings, and Spiderman board books. We couldn’t be prouder.

What We Love

Our family enjoys a wide range of media, but our favorites include science fiction and fantasy for all ages, period dramas, classic British lit, animated movies and TV shows, Studio Ghibli films, pretty much everything Nintendo puts out, and just about anything with a solid, enjoyable story.

So, if your family is looking for something new to enjoy together, check out our weekly updates. And if you’re the only person for a hundred miles who knows what the Triforce is (we’ve been there too, buddy), then you can be a part of our family. Feel free to reach out with anything you think we ought to take a look at, and connect with us in the comments here or on our social channels. We have links to those…you know, somewhere around here.